London Displays (UK) Ltd is committed to working to the highest standards for the benefit of our customers. The company seeks always to continually improve its performance and processes.

The company seeks to provide eye catching but effective design that will help you communicate with your chosen audience.

We endeavour to respond to all requests and enquiries within 24 hours. We always try to ensure that jobs are delivered within the time frame specified by you, the client.

At the end of each project, we ask for feedback so that we can continually improve our service to customers.

Signed Date: 10th January 2009


Equal Opportunities


Landor (UK) recognises its responsibilities under the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act, 1975, the Race Relations Act, 1976, the Disabled Discrimination Act 1996, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and other legislation intended to promote equality in the workplace.

In order to comply with legislation, we take steps to ensure that we do not unlawfully discriminate against employees or job applicants on the grounds of race, colour, creed, ethnic or national origins, disabilities, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or spent criminal convictions.

This policy applies to all prospective and actual employees, trainees and clients. Its purpose is to ensure equality of opportunity and application in all aspects of employment and training including recruitment, training, placement, promotion and terms and conditions of employment in all jobs and at all levels of the company.

Advertising and Recruitment

All posts are advertised as widely as the company's means allow. All posts are open to applicants who have the necessary skills to carry out the post. Only criteria relevant to the job will be considered. We aim to ensure that job applicants are not discriminated against either directly or indirectly either during the advertising process or in the recruitment and selection stage.

Training and Promotion

All employees must have equal access to training and opportunities for employment in the light of their current role within the company.


The Directors will ensure that applicants for posts and the progress of existing employees is monitored to ensure that unlawful discrimination is not taking place.


This policy is kept under review and updated from time to time in the light of changes to legislation.

Grievance and Discipline Procedure

Employees are directed to the Grievance Procedure which forms part of the their contract with the company. Any employee who believes that discrimination has taken place should raise the matter with Stephen Dingwall who will investigate the complaint. Any employee found to be responsible for unlawful discrimination or victimisation will be subject to the Company's Disciplinary Procedure (see attached).

Service Delivery

We also take active steps to provide equal opportunities in service delivery. This means that clients/customers will not be treated less favourably on the grounds of gender, race, nationality origin, disability, age, religion or sexual orientation.

The company seeks to ensure that it complies with the provisions of relevant legislation including:
  1. Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended)
  2. Sex Discrimination Act 1976
  3. Disability Discrimination Act 1996
  4. Sexual Orientation Regulations 2007

This is an area that the company keeps under review and amends in the light of changes to the legislation.

Signed Date: 10th January 2009


Environmental Policy

We seek to minimise the impact that my business has on the environment. In order to reduce its carbon footprint, we take the following actions:
  1. Use public transport wherever possible.
  2. Use recycled office paper etc.
  3. Recycle office consumables as much as possible.
  4. Minimise the use of paper by using email as much as possible.
  5. Ensure company vehicles are well maintained and fuel efficient.
  6. Turn off lights when the building is empty.
  7. Ensure that the heating system is efficient and run on a timer.
  8. Ensure that office equipment, pcs, printers etc are not left on standby and turned off when not in use.
Signed Date: 10th January 2009

Health and Safety Policy

London Displays (UK) recognises its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent U.K. and European legislation.

The company will so far as is reasonably practicable:
  1. protect the health, safety and welfare of it's employees and clients and any third parties who enter the premises.
  2. promote the positive health and well being of all it's employees and clients.

The Company undertakes to:

  1. provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment without risk to health, so far as is reasonably practicable.

  2. safeguard employees and clients from foreseeable hazards with regard to health & safety or the environment in existing processes and working systems.

  3. provide adequate training, instruction, information and supervision to enable employees, and clients to undertake their work safely and ensure that they actively participate in the prevention of accidents.

  4. consult employees on matters concerned with the promotion of safe working practice and the prevention of occupational and non-occupational diseases using health education.

  5. provide safety devices and protective clothing where necessary.

  6. Ensure that when new plant and machinery is introduced into the business to ensure that adequate training and supervision is provided to staff to enable them to operate such plant and machinery safely.

  7. co-operate with appropriate authorities and obtain expert advice when necessary to ensure that policies and procedures are updated and contribute to the formulation of standards and means of compliance.

  8. ensure that these objectives are being met through a regular auditing process.


The directors of London Displays (UK) are responsible for ensuring compliance with the company's Health and Safety Policy and other statutory requirements. Stephen Dingwall is responsible for general health and safety matters and ensuring that risk assessments have been carried out in order to comply with the company's legal responsibilities.

All employees (and in appropriate situations, clients) have a duty to take care of their own safety and comply with all lawful orders and requests made by the company. In order to fulfil this duty, employees must:
  1. contribute to the development of safe and healthy working systems and practices.
  2. safeguard their own safety and that of both colleagues and members of the public.
  3. use safety equipment and protective clothing provided and be safety conscious at all times.
  4. report all accidents and hazards and co-operate fully in accident investigation with the aim of introducing preventative measures.
  5. take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  6. follow safe systems of work and instruction and co-operate fully to apply training and information given.

Organisation and Arrangements

Monique Stoppa is responsible for ensuring all accidents are reported, investigated, recorded, and appropriate action taken in accordance with the procedure.

The company has an emergency evacuation procedures and fire precaution systems which are checked regularly in accordance with the procedure.

The company undertakes a full risk assessments of any project based at a client's premises before it is undertaken.

Signed Date: 30th March 2014



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