Superchrome’s large format backlit displays are just what you need to make your business shine. Create an attractive advertisement that your potential customers will not be able to resist. Backlits are super bright, modern, attractive and eye-catching illuminated displays that highlight your business name, product or brand. They can be seen from a much further distance than a poster. Get your business or brand seen by many more people!

Our top quality backlits are used worldwide in airport concourses, underground systems, shopping centres, cinemas, exhibitions, theatre and television backdrops. Put them in high traffic areas to get your business noticed. Superchrome is a large format printing company who can make your backlits as large as you need. All you have to do is call and Superchrome will do the rest!
Backlits Make Your Brand Jump Out Of the Display
Highlight your business name with high resolution, photo quality graphics and give your brand name a 3D effect. More customers notice backlits than printed displays - increase your advertising by at least ten percent. As customer footfall increases so will your revenue! Backlits are a proven financial investment for your company. They will continue working day and night with our top of the range light box technology. Be seen in the dark, too.
Customise Your Backlits
Graphics are printed on top quality polyester, vinyl film and duratrans. Duratrans literally means a durable translucent material. It is Kodak branded translucent based film. We only use the best materials.
Light boxes can go as large as you wish to help you be noticed by even more potential customers. Why not double your customers? Choose from single or double-sided displays. We also manufacture curved displays for those more difficult areas.
Backlits are designed for use both inside and outside. The latest technology outdoor durable inks protect your displays from weather and UV rays to prevent fading. Our indoor displays can be seen day and night.
We can print your company logo or graphics. Simply upload your artwork to our website and we will do the rest of the work for you. We print your graphics using the highest quality, durable UV inks.
Order Your Backlits Today
Please contact Superchrome in any of the following ways:
- Use our call back service, live chat or request a FREE quote
- Email:
- Phone: 020 7237 9333
Superchrome is waiting to help you with your order.
Every file that you upload will be managed by an account representative to ensure that your
order receives the attention it needs.
- Upload Your Artwork
- Call Back Option
- UK 020 7237 9333