Posters are the cheapest way to advertise. Use them for marketing your products, because offline marketing is just as important as online marketing. It is hard to believe, but not everybody has the internet and one of the best ways of catching people’s attention is a brightly coloured poster. Potential customers are everywhere, in shops, high streets, in vehicles, cinemas, gyms, town centres, offices, concerts, sporting events, and exhibitions. Posters are cheap to print, can be printed in short print runs and bulk orders. Contact Superchrome for an unbeatable quote.

How Posters Attract New Custom
Posters are perfect for that attention grabbing one-liner, company or brand name. Add the highlight of the poster, which is the image. Superchrome use the best technologies in printing to ensure each print stands out and makes potential customers look. As customers pass your marketing posters, they will see the beautiful colours and automatically read the slogan and note the company name. Most of this happens in a second, but the information is always stored away in the subconscious. You can make a fantastic impact with Superchrome’s large format printing. Expect to see your profits rise.
Posters are High Quality and Colourfast
We use HP thermal inkjet prints and inks, which are eco-friendly. Inks ensure prints are long lasting and will stand up to sunlight and indoor lighting. All paper prints can be displayed indoors and out with a little bit of help from the laminator. We can mount posters onto aluminium composite and Foamex. These provide a firm backing and add durability to your poster. They are just the thing you need for your exhibition, trade show or to advertise on construction site hoardings. We print any size of graphic paper from A4 to 2A0. We print on all types of substrate including graphic papers, photo papers and blue backed poster paper for billboards. Contact Superchrome for a quote at any time of the day or night. We are open 24 hours.
Superchrome will mount and frame your prints on request.
Posters and Ordering from Superchrome
Thank you for visiting Superchrome today. Our printing team is ready print high quality posters.
If you have any questions, please contact Superchrome in any of the following ways:
- Use our call back service, live chat or request a FREE quote
- Email:
- Phone: 020 7237 9333
We look forward to helping you with your order.
Every file that you upload will be managed by an account representative to ensure that your
order receives the attention it needs.
- Upload Your Artwork
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- UK 020 7237 9333